
About me

I am a Ph.D. student in the Data Science and AI division at Chalmers University of Technology, advised by Fredrik Johansson and Devdatt Dubhashi. My work is generously supported by the The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP).

Prior to Chalmers, I completed my masters of science (M.Sc) degree at Karlsruher inistute of Technology (KIT) advised by Markus Schinle in the FZI House of Living Labs research group. During my masters, I research at the Karlsruhe Service Research and Innovation Hub (KSRI) with Ali Sunyaev and Stefan Morana and in the HealthCareLab working with Melanie Reuter-Oppermann. In my undergraduate years, I worked at the reserach group for business & information systems Engineering at the Fraunhofer FIT.


I am interested in topics at the intersection of machine learning and healthcare, such as predictions with missing values, time series and causality, with the goal of developing interpretable and accurate models to assist with clinical decision-making.


*Causality and Causal Inference
*Design for AI systems
*Introduction to Data Science
*Research Methods for Data Science